A Weight Loss Plan For Real Women
You can still get to your goal weight, even if you have...
- a busy schedule
- chronic illness
- young kids
- other priorities
- struggled with emotional eating for years
We (Becky and Sara) know because we've done it ourselves, losing 100 pounds and maintaining that weight loss for years through every season of life.
Weight loss can't (and shouldn't) always be your top priority.
At FFL, we know you will have a mix of ideal days, typical days, overwhelmed days, and crisis days.
We give you suggestions and recommendations for how to live lose weight consistently on all kinds of days and seasons, even when you can't do it perfectly.
Choose Your Perfect Plan!
Find the Right Membership to Achieve Your Goals.
Essentials is best for you if...
- You prefer the most budget-friendly option.
- You can easily navigate Teachable and Facebook.
Growth is best for you if...
- You need extra tech support.
- You 💖 FFL resources and want a discounted rate on all the new stuff in 2025. (The discount applies to additional courses and printed materials not included in the membership.)
- You are busy and would benefit from additional time to watch videos and read materials.
Personalized Support for Your Wellness Goals
Select the option that's right for you.
billed monthly
5 courses
Private Facebook group for support and encouragement
Monthly printable workbook with Scriptures and activities
Live Q&A videos with Becky & Sara
Optional accountability partner to keep you on track
Weekly weigh-ins to monitor your progress
Fun, motivational mini-challenges
+VIP Email Support for personalized assistance
+15% Discount on courses and digital downloads
+Extended Access to materials for added flexibility
Answers to FAQs
Can I cancel my membership?
Yes! You can cancel your membership at any time and you will not be charged again.
What will the new membership be like?
You will get access to the members-only Facebook group, a new monthly workbook and checklist calendar every month, weekly Facebook posts, Live Q&A and devotional videos with Becky and Sara, and more!
How does the Growth VIP email support work?
As a VIP Member, we prioritize answering your emails first with additional time and extra attention to help you access your materials.
The VIP email support offers you extra support for technical issues (such as problems logging into Teachable, issues getting into or posting in the members' Facebook group, downloading printable workbooks, etc).
We answer emails on Monday through Friday (unless there is a holiday) and, in most cases, will respond within 24 hours.
Specific instructions on how to use this feature are given inside the membership.
Weight loss-related questions for Sara and/or Becky will be responded in the monthly live Q&A video or in the Facebook group.
How does the Growth discount work?
Inside the membership, you get a coupon code for 15% off all FFL courses and digital downloads. NEW products are in coming in 2025.
You can view the full list of courses and digital products currently available here and here are examples of just some of the products you can use the discount code for, with more items being released in 2025:
One Small Change Weight Loss Cards
Healthy Breakfast Meal Prep Mini-Course
Digital Products:
Victory Over Food Cravings: A 28-Day Christian Weight Loss Journal
This discount does not apply to the membership, So Very Blessed products, or The Holy Mess products.
How does the Growth extended access to materials work?
Essential members have access to course materials only during the calendar month that we are using them.
With Growth Membership, you will receive access to the materials during the calendar month we use them, plus two additional months of access.
There's nothing you need to do to receive this benefit. Course materials will continue to be available for you when you log in to Teachable.
What if I have more questions?
We would love to answer your question! Please send us an email to [email protected] to ask.