Are unhealthy habits keeping you stuck?
God is calling you to important ministry. You serve your family, church, & community.
You follow Jesus and yet...
Food & body image issues get in your way.
Find your people for real talk (not small talk) here:
The Faithful Finish Lines Tune-Up Group.
Joy, renewal, and refreshment are waiting for you inside this group for Christian women. Take steps to honor God with your body & food choices.
"I'm a redeemed child of God.
I pray. I read the Bible.
So why can't I get it together with food?"
Do any of these sound like you?
- People say they admire you...yet you feel like an imposter because of your secret food rituals.
- You improve your habits for awhile...but eventually fall off the wagon and go back to old behaviors.
- You wonder why you can get it together in other areas of your life...but not with food.
- You are committed to serving your family (and yourself) fresh, wholesome foods...but all too often you pick up quick food because of busy schedules.
- You are frustrated because you've made healthy changes...but they haven't led to weight loss.
Make God the Center of Your Weight Loss Journey.
It Changes Everything!
Discover the calm, peaceful relationship with food that you've always dreamed of.
Eating will become a source of joy instead of a battleground.
You might be thinking that your weight & food struggles are your deepest pain. (It was for me, too.)
Transform this part of your life into a fantastic God-Story that reflects His faithfulness.
What's Inside for You
✔️Faith guidance with Scripture as the foundation.
Bible verses ~ Prayers ~ Christian Affirmations ~ Devotion Videos
✔️A step-by-step path with precisely what to do every single day to lose weight and keep it off.
Trackers ~ Calendar ~ Printable Journal ~ Welcome Week ~ Food Guidelines
✔️Accountability to achieve your goals.
Weekly Weigh-Ins ~ Accountability Partners
✔️Support from leaders (who have been there) & a community of women just like you.
Facebook Group ~ Exclusive Q & A Videos ~ Mini-Challenges
Answers to FAQs
Do I have to use Facebook?
The lessons, live Q and A videos, devotion videos, and workbook are on the Teachable platform and do not require social media.
The group support, weigh-ins, mini-challenges, and accountability partner match-up takes place in a private Facebook group.
Do I have to follow a certain type of food plan or diet?
Will you give me a meal plan or tell me what to eat?
No. Instead, we guide you in how to make healthy choices that are right for your body and lead to lasting weight loss and wellness.
What is the time commitment?
Every part of the program is an invitation, not a demand. Choose the activities that fit your schedule. We recommend setting aside 30-60 minutes per week.
What happens when the Tune-Up Group is done?
We hope you will join us for the membership in January, but there is no long-term commitment.
More questions?
Contact us at [email protected].
Due to the group experience aspect of this program, no refunds will be issued.